Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography

compiled by Stefan Blaschke


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Start: Topical Index: Representations: Art: Medieval Art:

Representations: Art:

E u r o p e a n   A r t

[Site] General

I. Author Index

[Info] Wolfthal, Diane. Images of Rape: The "Heroic" Tradition and its Alternatives. Cambridge 1999.

II. Speaker Index


[Site] English Art

I. Author Index

[Info] Alexander, Jonathan J.G. »Chastity, Love and Marriage in the Margins of the Wharncliffe HoursReading Texts and Images: Essays on Medieval and Renaissance Art and Patronage in Honour of Margaret M. Manion. Edited by Bernard J. Muir. Exeter 2002: 201-220.

[Info] Joyce, Hetty E. »Picturing Rape and Revenge in Ovids Myth of Philomela.« Receptions of Antiquity, Constructions of Gender in European Art, 1300-1600. Edited by Marice Rose et al. Leiden 2015: 305-349.

II. Speaker Index


[Site] French Art

I. Author Index

[Info] Joyce, Hetty E. »Picturing Rape and Revenge in Ovids Myth of Philomela.« Receptions of Antiquity, Constructions of Gender in European Art, 1300-1600. Edited by Marice Rose et al. Leiden 2015: 305-349.

[Info] Wolfthal, Diane. »"Douleur sur toutes autres": Revisualizing the Rape Script in the Epistre Othea and the Cité des damesChristine de Pizan and the Categories of Difference. Edited by Marilynn Desmond. Minneapolis 1998: 41-70.

II. Speaker Index

[Info] Wolfthal, Diane. »"Douleur sur toutes autres": Revisualizing the Rape Script in the Epistre Othea and the Cité des damesChristine de Pizan: Texts/Intertexts/Contexts. Binghamton 1995.

[Site] German Art

Artists: Israhel van Meckenem

[Site] Italian Art

Artists: Sandro Botticelli, Andrea Mantegna, Master of Marradi, Antonio del Pollaiuolo

Works: Apollo and Daphne, Pallas Chasing the Vices from the Garden of Virtue

I. Author Index

[Info] Even, Yael. »The Emergence of Sexual Violence in Quattrocento Florentine Art.« Fifteenth-Century Studies 27 (2001): 113-128.

II. Speaker Index
